Ask These Questions About Company Culture in Your Interview

by admin on May 1, 2020 in Ask a Recruiter, Dallas IT Recruiting


A recent survey of mid-level managers shows that most employees consider a company’s culture to be as important as financial compensation and benefit packages. When looking for a job or considering a change it is important to understand the employer’s culture and the work environment. Interviews provide a good opportunity to do this. Here are five questions a candidate should ask, and why they should ask them.

What can you tell me about the corporate culture here?

This no-nonsense question cuts directly to the chase. While it is broad it can be an effective tool for you. If the company has a solid culture the hiring manager will be able to speak about it at length. Balking at the question or dodging it can be a red flag that culture is not high on their priorities.

How does your company value a diverse workforce?

Diversity creates an atmosphere of mutual respect in team members. This fosters a more positive workplace. Understanding how the employer values diversity and how they approach it can provide you with insight of how it will be working for them.

How does your company strive to be a good corporate citizen?

Over 80% of employees say that their company’s reputation is very important to them. People want to work for an employer who is socially responsible. That can take many forms from environmental initiatives to sustainability programs to charitable work. The important thing to find out is if the employer’s corporate citizenship aligns with your values.

What investments do you make in your employees?

This gets to the core of how an organization values its people. A company that places high value on their employees will invest in them via programs like tuition reimbursement, continued education, training, certifications and promotion opportunities.

How do you approach failures and successes?

Let’s start with failures. Top performers are calculated risk takers, and not every risk pays off. You want to find out if the employer encourages appropriate risk taking or harshly punishes associated failures. Likewise, it is good to know if the company appreciates and celebrates successes and how they do it.

Hiring managers expect you to ask questions during your interview. These five questions can give you a good look at the employer’s culture and how you will fit in.

Danielle Foppe is a Recruitment Manager at Business Centric Technology. If you are interested in learning more about how to get the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, contact Danielle specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth and North Texas. If you are looking for a rewarding career contact us today.