Casting the right net – Tips for writing the right job description to get the right candidate every time!
When it’s time to fill a critical position after an employee has found greener pastures, you must put in the time and effort to cast the right net to get the personnel you really want. As the employment market heats up, it’s time to realize things have become a candidate’s market – and making a half-hearted effort in what the candidate sees about your company first, your job description, can make your recruiting life a nightmare. Consider the job description like another sales pitch but to candidates. If you don’t have the name recognition of a Google or Apple, then the right job description is really the only way to find who you are looking for.
Tip #1 Be sure it’s only one person you are looking for
Writing a description asking for skill sets that not only require multiple lifetimes to acquire, but multiple people to actually execute the duties of the position, is a non-starter. Be certain and clear about what one person in this position will be responsible for, and what skills you believe they will need to accomplish your company’s goals. If you can, have someone who has held that role review what you are asking for. Also, if your recruitment efforts come from a central HR department, be sure to make time for HR to meet with you to get an understanding of what exactly you are looking for. Best of all if you can, write it yourself – and forget the buzzwords – before you hand it off.
Tip #2 Details, details, details
Although your job description shouldn’t be a serialized novel, the more details you can provide about the position the better for everyone. Be as specific as you can. Describe what the candidates day to day on the job will be like, break duties down to percentages of time invested per day if you can. Tell them how their role fits into the company as a whole. What kind of support will they have from other branches, supervisors, and colleagues? What will be expected of their interactions with, and how often, will they contact underlings and customers?
Tip #3 Show them the money…and what you want in return
Providing a salary range is an honest way to cut to the chase when recruiting a new candidate. You should be as forthright with their compensation as you are with their responsibilities. Remember, compensation can mean more than just a duffel bag full of cash at the end of the month – health plans, vehicle allowances, gym memberships, and anything that can be considered a worthwhile perk fits into this category. Each perk is an enticement – remember you aren’t competing with the candidate’s desires, you are competing with other companies in your field.
Tip #4 If they get on board, where are you going?
“Past performance is no guarantee of future results” is a familiar phrase in investing circles, but conveying the goals and direction of your company to a future candidate can help paint a reassuring mental picture of where they fit in that can’t be accounted for in a spreadsheet. Tell your candidate how they fit into the larger picture of the company’s growth plan – after all, you’re about to make them part of that future, so make it a good one.
Although recruiting is a mixture of art and science, creating a detailed, realistic and concise description about the position is a good first step to finding the right person for the job. Remember, you want the right candidate, so make sure you give them enough information for them to want you too.