Growing 2023 Trend of Skills-Based Hiring

by Business Centric Technology (BCT) on February 24, 2023 in Ask a Recruiter, Business Trends, Dallas IT Recruiting, Uncategorized


Skills-based hiring, also known as competency-based or talent-based recruiting, is an emerging trend among employers looking to stay competitive in today’s ever-changing job market. This approach focuses on a candidate’s ability to perform certain tasks and use certain skills necessary for success in a given role rather than relying solely on certifications or other traditional qualifications.

Skills vs. Certificates

By recognizing skills-based hiring as an alternative to traditional certifications, employers can open up their candidate pool and find people who may have the skills necessary for success in a given role but lack the traditional qualifications. This broadens the selection criteria and allows employers to focus on finding job seekers who have the ability to complete specific tasks, speak certain languages, or use particular programs.


Skills-based hiring also helps employers find candidates who can grow and adapt their skillset in response to changing business needs. By understanding a candidate’s ability to think critically and apply new knowledge quickly, employers can find people who will stay ahead of the curve and can keep up with ever-evolving technology.

Wider Talent Pool

The trend toward skills-based hiring is growing as employers recognize its potential to help find candidates with the relevant knowledge, abilities, and experience needed for success in today’s job market. By understanding a candidate’s skill set and ability to respond to changing business needs, employers can make more informed decisions about the best people to bring on board. Skills-based hiring is quickly becoming an essential tool in a successful recruiter’s arsenal, and it’s worth considering for any employer looking to stay ahead of the competition.

The growing trend of skills-based hiring won’t slow down in 2023, even as shake-ups in the labor market continue to ripple between layoffs and an inability to find the right personnel. In either scenario, having a demonstrable ability in an in-demand IT sector may get recruiters to look past not finishing a certification. On-the-job training and on-the-job certifications aren’t unheard of, especially today.

Trent Lyons is a Technical Recruitment Lead at Business Centric Technology. If you want to learn more about getting the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, contact Trent, who specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth, and North Texas. If you are looking for a rewarding career, contact us today.