Improve Recruiting by Improving Your Brand
With record low unemployment rates recruiters have to work much harder, or smarter, or both to generate adequate applicant flow. Excellent pay and attractive benefit packages are still necessary to attract talent, but in today’s competitive environment they may not be enough. How do effective organizations stand out from the crowd? They actively manage their brands. We are all familiar with brand management as a tool to attract and keep customers, but how does this apply to prospective employees? As much as employees care about their compensation, they also want to work for a company that makes them proud. They feel that an employer with a good reputation and solid brand reflects on them, and that feels good. Large organizations know this and have entire departments dedicated to brand management. It’s equally important that small and mid-sized companies manage their brands. Here are four tips to get you on your way.
Social Skills
Most companies try to leverage social media to connect with their customers. I suggest you use your platforms to connect with potential employees. Social media is a great place to demonstrate what it is like to work for your firm, and what makes your company a great place to work. Give potential staffers a peek inside your company culture and make them want to work for you. Broadcast company outings, social gatherings, charity events, and celebrations. Applicants will take notice.
Toot Your Own Horn
Employees want to work for employers whom they consider to be outstanding. Identify what makes your company stand out from your competitors, then shout it out to the world. You should be proud of the things you’ve created that distinguish you. Show that pride, and you’ll find that your staff will soon share in it too.
Be Valuable
What does your company stand for? An organization’s values are at the core of its brand. Once you have defined your core values, communicate them effectively internally and externally. Every employee and prospective employee should have a clear understanding of the company’s values as they pertain to customers, employees, owners, and the general public.
Speak from a Singular Voice
Just like an individual, a company has a personality. It is important that the tone of voice an employer uses matches their desired personality. A company may choose to be friendly, serious, funny, casual, etc. Once that has been determined, make sure that all forms of internal and external communications remain true to that tone of voice.
Your brand isn’t only important for winning clients, it is a valuable recruitment and retention tool. Perhaps the most valuable tool in your box.
Danielle Foppe is a Recruitment Manager at Business Centric Technology. If you are interested in learning more about how to get the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, contact Danielle specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth and North Texas. If you are looking for a rewarding career contact us today.