Managing Expectations

by admin on January 8, 2021 in Ask a Recruiter, Business Trends, Dallas IT Recruiting


Early indicators of how 2021 will go seem to imply 2020 was just a warmup. Although hopes of returning to “normal” are still high, the reality that remote work is here to stay remains. Previously, new hires looked to seasoned veterans to learn the ropes of the new business. Now, ad hoc is the rule, and planning is sometimes a luxury. How can you survive as a remote worker in a year that may be a bumpy ride? Some remote workers have gotten their sea legs even in times like these. Managing expectations has always been vital, even in the best of times. But focusing on a key area can help you keep your sanity managing or being managed.

What to Expect When Everything is Unexpected?

The most apparent casualty to the new “normal” has been business planning. Deadlines must be met, but meeting them is missing some of the ingredients readily available in an office setting. What’s missing? The casual sharing of institutional knowledge – not knowing the business of how business is done. Planning in a remote work setting is going to take longer and require more flexibility. Transitioning your thinking towards searching out areas that can offer flexibility can make everyone’s life a little easier. Indeed, every parachute must open if you make parachutes. But if the only bullet point is deciding the next color line, maybe it can have a window for completion instead of a hard deadline.

Managing expectations for workers and businesses alike is a fine art. See how the experts at Business Centric Technology can help you.