Tag: Big Data

The Impact of Azure Data Engineers

December 27, 2024 in Dallas IT Recruiting, Employment


Ever wondered how companies personalize your online experience or predict future trends? Azure Data Engineers play a key role in making that happen. These professionals design and manage the systems that collect, store, and analyze vast amounts of data. Their work ensures that businesses can use data effectively to make smarter decisions, improve services, and […]


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The Coming Revolution In Software Development

September 7, 2018 in News, Technology


Explicit programming is what most people imagine when they think about what programmers do – identify a problem then create a programming algorithm to solve that problem. Deep learning, however, is changing all of this. Deep learning is a process of programming modeled on how the human mind works. Even though interacting with your favorite […]


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Complex Problem Solving

May 18, 2018 in Business Intelligence, Communication Systems


According to Albert Einstein “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” So what does it take to increase the complexity of our thinking? Tony Schwartz shares some insight leaders need to solve seemingly intractable problems. Too many leaders default to looking at decisions as either-or: The answer is […]


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Digital Distractions

May 11, 2018 in Business Intelligence, Employment, Technology


When considering just “taking a sec” to scan your emails, instant messages on your cell or Facebook, stay mindful of the potential cost. Although likely gone are the days of monastic focus on one daily task, you can regain control of your tasking list through message mindfulness. Check those messages, but not first thing in the morning, and take time to put hard problem first on your agenda for at least your first hour of the day.


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IT Expansion and Beyond

December 8, 2017 in IT Integration, Technology


This time of year industries across the business world begin prognosticating about where their industry is going. Although this may be a fun water cooler chat exercise, billions of dollars of growth can be won or lost by catching or missing an emerging trend. Although if people could accurately predict the future, lotteries would become […]


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Where’s The Next Silicon Valley?

October 27, 2017 in News


Although Silicon Valley has long been the cradle of the startup tech sector, other challengers are quickly coming online. Featuring a lower cost of living, lower business costs, and access to funding or fresh university talent you may soon hear the following names associated with the next startup taking the industry by storm. Here are […]


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