2021 Predictions that Came True in Recruiting

by admin on December 31, 2021 in Ask a Recruiter, Business Trends, Dallas IT Recruiting


Whatever you say on the internet will be held against you forever. Although a downside, it does make tracking annual predictions much easier. Below are three top predictions for the workplace from 2021. So how did the industry do? 

Remote/Hybrid Work

2021 showed a hard push towards normalcy after the Delta surge. Finally, however, Omicron finished 2021 with a decisive “hold my beer” moment. Nevertheless, unpredictability remains predictable, and therefore remote/hybrid work remains true. Mentioned as an early 2021 trend from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, their prediction remains true.

Safe Workplaces

Also predicted was surging demand for safe workplaces. Masking, vaccine mandates, 6-foot spacing, and plenty of testing were the cogs in the wheel to make this wish come true. However, spotty reception to mandates, mask fatigue, and drops in testing support left this prediction mixed. If anything, 2021 saw workplaces with a sudden uptick in “allergies” instead of covid cases.

Diversity & Inclusion

Typically as headlines fade, so do movements. Not so, however, with diversity and inclusion. Although far from headlines, you will still find the good fight fought across companies large and small. Whether the results of a conscientious effort or the incredible difficulties around recruiting in the Great Resignation, a W is a W.

What will 2022 be? Ancient baseball profit Yogi Berra would probably say, “It’s all different because it never changes.” But the businesses poised to do well are nimble with access to the resources they need for recruiting and retention. Your solution is Business Centric Technologies.

If you are interested in learning more about getting the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, BCT specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth, and North Texas. So if you are looking for a rewarding career, contact us today.