Tag: AI

AI and Machine Learning in Dallas

August 25, 2023 in Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Would you like to learn more about the impact of AI and Machine Learning in Dallas in the world of Contract Programming? Business Centric Technology is here to help you stay informed about current and upcoming tech trends. Let’s dive right in!   What’s Happening in Dallas? Dallas is a big city in Texas. It’s […]


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The Future of Recruitment

June 2, 2023 in Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Do you want to learn more about the future of recruitment? Business Centric Technology is here to help you satisfy your curiosity. Today, we will talk about the power of AI in helping make recruitment easier for both employers and applicants. Come and join us as we dive right in!   Streamlining Recruitment Imagine a […]


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The Expansion of Artificial intelligence

March 24, 2023 in Ask a Recruiter, Business Trends, Dallas IT Recruiting, News, Technology, Uncategorized


Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how we think about technology in many industries. From energy to entertainment, Artificial intelligence is used for a wide range of applications transforming the world around us. Energy AI can be used to optimize energy production and consumption. For example, gathering consumer needs and preferences data can help optimize energy […]


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Better Hiring Practices, Approach Job Candidates like Investors

June 15, 2018 in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Ask a Recruiter, Employment


What the best candidate wants is a recruitment deck: Like Netflix a decade ago, many companies probably already have that information ready to go – in their investor’s pitch. It might surprise many how little effort it takes to turn an investor’s deck into a recruitment deck that can attract the attention of the key people a growing company needs. It often requires just a few, albeit important tweaks. The key thing is to think about hiring as less of an approach of HR than of marketing (and ideally the marketing people should at least review the recruitment deck). So if a company wants to land the best talent, it should appeal to them with its mission, values, and goal – just as if they were investors.


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AI and the CIO

August 4, 2017 in News


According to a recent article, the AI future in IT for cognitive systems will likely exceed $40 billion by the year 2020 according to IDC. Although regular electronics consumers recognize AI applications like self-driving cars it will be AI’s predictive capabilities that will permeate multiple industries outside of mainline IT, like business analysis, inventing, sales, […]


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