Tips for Professional Video Conferencing
It seems that most of us are either working remotely or working with someone who is. Going forward this is expected to become the norm for conference calls. Aside from social distancing, video conferences offer several benefits such as reduced travel costs and the ability to work comfortably from your home. However, just because you are conferencing from your living room doesn’t mean this is a casual affair. These nine tips will help you conduct and participate in professional calls.
Shut It Down
Shut down all apps that you will not be using during the call. This will free up resources and improve performance and keep you organized.
Turn It Off
Please mute your microphone when you are not speaking. Thank you.
Check Your Speed
If your internet connection is going to have a hiccup, it will be when you are supposed to be on an important call. Perform a speed test prior to the call to make certain that you have the necessary bandwidth. If you experience a problem, try using your phone as a WiFi hotspot backup plan.
Maintain Privacy
Turn off notifications and close any sensitive files or programs. This alleviates the possibility of others viewing sensitive, damaging, or embarrassing items when you share your screen.
Background Noise
Pay attention to the background when you set up your conferencing area. Avoid anything too busy or distracting. A neutral, clutter-free background is ideal.
Dress the Part
I don’t think it’s necessary to go into great detail about this tip. There are countless stories across the internet about embarrassing video conference moments involving clothing, or lack thereof. Don’t forget to wear pants.
Eyes on the Camera
We’ve all been on a video conference with someone who’s camera is focused on the ceiling or their tummy. It’s not a huge deal, but it is distracting and can show a lack of attention to detail. Train your camera on your eyes and train your eyes on the camera.
Lock ‘Em Out
Kids and pets that is. You don’t really have to lock them out but try to keep them away from your conferencing area if possible. Still, things will happen. Don’t stress out if it happens to you, simply take care of the situation. It may even break the ice.
Testing 1, 2, 3
Test your equipment and software 30 minutes prior to your conference. This will provide you with ample time to troubleshoot should an issue arise.
Danielle Foppe is a Recruitment Manager at Business Centric Technology. If you are interested in learning more about how to get the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, contact Danielle specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth and North Texas. If you are looking for a rewarding career contact us today.