Tag: IT Solutions

5 Reasons to Protect Your IT from Data Breaches

May 24, 2024 in Cybersecurity


Imagine someone sneaking into your office at night and stealing valuable documents or customer information. That’s what a data breach is, but instead of papers, it’s digital information like names, addresses, or even credit card numbers. To prevent such security threats, it is important to implement effective IT solutions that can safeguard your data from […]


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Integration Services from BCT

September 24, 2021 in Ask a Recruiter, Business Intelligence, IT Integration, Services & Outsourcing, Technology


Progress rarely happens in a vacuum. When your business is ready to upgrade into new vendor applications, you need BCT experts to make things go smoothly. Whether you are replacing legacy systems or updating back-office processes, BCT is your first step for success. Custom Integration Adopting new vendor software can be tricky when moving data […]


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4 Ways to Coach the Uncoachable Employee

June 29, 2018 in Employment


As you have progressed through your career, you may have invariably met coworkers, or managed some, who display some of the following traits, “lack desire for accountability, are inherently lazy, are extremely sensitive, do not take direction well, have no interest in upward mobility and repeatedly fail coaching efforts.” If you haven’t, should you ask […]


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Are You Hiring A Clock Puncher Or A Superstar

June 8, 2018 in Employment


No matter your company size you need the insight to discover how best to get the maximum output from every employee. Your flexibility, as well as a clear understanding of your personal expectations, can make hiring choices easier and more prosperous for everyone involved.


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Digital Distractions

May 11, 2018 in Business Intelligence, Employment, Technology


When considering just “taking a sec” to scan your emails, instant messages on your cell or Facebook, stay mindful of the potential cost. Although likely gone are the days of monastic focus on one daily task, you can regain control of your tasking list through message mindfulness. Check those messages, but not first thing in the morning, and take time to put hard problem first on your agenda for at least your first hour of the day.


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