Zoom Etiquette

by admin on January 29, 2021 in Ask a Recruiter, Business Intelligence, Business Trends, Dallas IT Recruiting, Technology


Remote working also means remote meetings, and Zoom has become the premier website for gathering teams together. But with every innovation comes a learning curve. Zoom etiquette is an evolving process born of trial and error. Although working from home has always held the allure of working in your pajamas, Zoom meetings should be the exception. Below you will find quick tips and tricks for making your next Zoom call all that it can be.

See and Be Seen

There are plenty of sources of pro-tips for making the most of your Zoom meetings, but the most important one is managing your camera angle. Remember the allure of working from home in your pajamas? Off-camera behavior gets overlooked until it gets on camera in front of your colleagues. Always be aware of your camera’s field of view. Anything seen cannot be unseen so consider your background and reflections. Don’t be apprehensive about cultivating your background. Since everything seen makes an impression, why not make a good one? Carefully consider displays of family photos, special collections, political posters, even artwork, and books. Make your selections based on your work atmosphere.

Zoom etiquette is here to stay. Be sure you are making a professional impression because some things you can’t unsee.